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Songs for children’s classes

Teaching Children's Classes Grade 2 Teaching Children's Classes Grade 1

We are happy to provide here recordings of some of the songs found in the children’s class materials for grades 1 and 2. Please feel free to download the songs and use them in your educational activities. Additionally, it is permissible to translate and record these songs into various languages, provided that no recording be sold or used for commercial purposes in any way.

This page will be updated from time to time, as additional songs are completed; you may wish to check the page occasionally for new postings.

View songs from Grade 1 lessons

Denotes recently added or modified

Songs in Norwegian
  Zipped MP3
with vocals
Zipped MP3
without vocals
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Song Lyrics MP3 with vocals MP3 without vocals Zipped MP3s
Din bror og deg selv
Glede gir oss vinger
Gud er kjærlig
Jeg vil føle glede
Kilden til mot og styrke
La hjertet gløde
Mitt første råd er dette
Nabogutten Kjell
Når du snakke sant
O Tilværelsens sønn
Sann frihet
Som fruktan på et tre
Tenn i mitt hjerte
Tillit til Gud
Vi er blomster
Vær som jorden

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