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Songs for children’s classes

Teaching Children's Classes Grade 2 Teaching Children's Classes Grade 1

We are happy to provide here recordings of some of the songs found in the children’s class materials for grades 1 and 2. Please feel free to download the songs and use them in your educational activities. Additionally, it is permissible to translate and record these songs into various languages, provided that no recording be sold or used for commercial purposes in any way.

This page will be updated from time to time, as additional songs are completed; you may wish to check the page occasionally for new postings.

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Songs in Chinese
  Zipped MP3
with vocals
Zipped MP3
without vocals
All songs from Grade 1 lessons
Song Lyrics MP3 with vocals MP3 without vocals Zipped MP3s
Lesson 1 我首要的劝谕
Lesson 2 正义是高尚之道
Lesson 3 爱、爱、爱
Lesson 4 真实的话
Lesson 5 慷慨之泉
Lesson 6 谦让
Lesson 7 快乐给我们翅膀
Lesson 9 像地球一样
Lesson 10 我感恩主赞美主
Lesson 11 寻找亮点
Lesson 12 比太阳更明亮
Lesson 13 公平
Lesson 15 赐我那一份
Lesson 17 勇敢之源
Lesson 18 心怀希望
Lesson 19 勤劳的双手
Lesson 21 光芒
Lesson 22 我要快乐
Lesson 23 耐心

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